art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist
art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist
instagram news and events Tillack biography Collector contact Tillack Tillack on YouTube
Tillack Galleries Symbolism and Phylosophy Gallery 1 Symbolism and Phylosophy Gallery 2 serene waters boards and alternative canvases  
art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist
art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist

Symbolism and Philosophy
Gallery I

gallery2 Tillack
      *click image for detail

Griffin by Tillack

Painting by Tillack - More Bull Stolen Moment by Tillack Credence by Tillack
for all the marbles by Tillack believe requiem a temporary beauty
wasted time by tillack dream big by Tillack Monsters art by Tillack scandalous by Tillack
regal Bull Market by Tillack Pan-da-dulce greener pastures by tillack
46n2 embrace the unlimited audience with the devil by Tillack Transition by Tillack
Classically Royal by Tillack Perspective by Tillack 100% by Tillack Above All by Tillack
Disposition by Tillack manifest True Value by Tillack the King - art by Tillack
Cafe by Tillack resilience master of all elements by Tillack the ring
       shoots and ladders by Tillack transformation by Tillack Your Move by Tillack

Why Couches?

There are a few reasons for love seats, chairs and sofas settings, the contradiction of their presence in unordinary circumstances, their symbol of relaxation, and one that is more personal to me……….

When I was near the end of my extensive traveling, I had said that once I found a place, ‘ that place', where I was comfortable and stable, I would buy a beautiful, comfortable couch – this was a symbol of home, relaxing, releasing of insecurities and being yourself.
As of today, I have yet to buy that couch.
I realized that the representation I had bestowed on this particular home furnishing, were actually the traits that I searched for in myself no matter where I was, or what I was doing.
I had given these values to an inanimate object and held them as the symbolism of what I searched for in me.

art - serene paintings that portray coastal and tranquil scenes by the artist Tillack - australian artist

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